Boost your Mental Game

Better Lessons Now

coaching conservatory musiclessons practiceforperformance sparkpractice sparkpracticelab teaching teachingstandards Jul 21, 2023
SPARK Practice, the intentional practice system for healthy musical excellence. Practice for performance.

Better Lessons Now

Do you struggle with students who don’t practice? Who never seem to get better? Do you have neurodivergent students, or have students with whom you have trouble connecting?

Do you struggle connecting with your teacher?


There’s a Better Way to do things!

Here’s my recent journal article from the American Viola Society (for any music teacher) with the SPARK Practice formula for better music lessons to improve teaching quality, with less teacher effort, while improving student advancement and autonomy.

Using SPARK Practice, the Intentional Practice System for healthy musical excellence, were the specialists of practicing for performance. Practicing for performance starts in the practice room, and incorporates performance-specific skills, self-regulation, and your digestive system of stress - as well as strategic self-talk-infused Kinetic Integration.

The Formula is designed to practice performing and support practicing for performance. It gives enough structure for students to feel confident in knowing what to do, as well as for the teacher to spend our time communicating our competencies - and not repeating ourselves. In five easy parts, lesson planning becomes easy, and students have a record of their progress with the Better Lessons Now Worksheet. 


SPARK Practice Better Lessons Now Formula

+ Intro (Co-regulation)
+ Play-Through (sections, pieces, etudes, scales -  or whatever was assigned)
+ Reflection
+ Learning
+ Planning 

Get the full article and the Better Lessons Now article HERE




Get the full article and the Better Lessons Now article HERE

See the recent SPARK Practice YouTube video about practicing for performance and the SPARK Practice difference.

Happy Practicing!





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