AWP Artist’s Way Paris

Paris Artist’s Way Creative Cluster

The ENGLISH group will meet Mon day evenings 8-10:30pm Central European Time (7pm UK, 2pm East, 11am Pacific). This group will be in English, and will be online by zoom, with occasional in-person extras.

It’s ok to miss a meeting or two over the session. (You also don’t have to live in Paris, and it’s ok if things come up.) See you soon !

We meet each Monday from 20h - 22h30 CET Paris time (7pm UK, 2pm East, 11am Pacific)

Intro and welcome (Video Self-Study)
Week 1 / Recovering a sense of Safety
Week 2 / Recovering a sense of Identity
Week 3 / Recovering a sense of Power
Week 4 / Recovering a sense of Integrity
Week 5 / Recovering a sense of Possibility
Week 6 / Recovering a sense of Abundance
Week 7 / Recovering a sense of Connection
Week 8 / Recovering a sense of Strength
Week 9 / Recovering a sense of Compassion
Week 10 / Recovering a sense of Self-protection
Week 11 / Recovering a sense of Autonomy
Week 12 / Recovering a sense of Faith (& thank yous - it’s the last meeting of this session)

€297,00 EUR