
Personal Stress Profile Mascots from NERVOUS SYSTEM NEUTRAL - Academic

Get to know your Personal Stress Profile from NERVOUS SYSTEM NEUTRAL

These are a few quick questions to gather information for yourself about how you show up naturally in the world - it's just information, no judgement. These are systems for how you show up in the world in different contexts and helps you get more information about your unique nervous system.

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You MUST accept emails from Nervous System Neutral & SPARK Practice if you would like to receive your personalized results.


Question 1 of 10

How do you usually experience stress / fear symptoms as a FIRST reaction?  

This is just about how stress / fear shows up for you first. We often have a mix - but think about what shows up first and if you have more symptoms like shaking / trembling (body) VS catastrophising / thoughts racing (mind)


🧍‍♀️Body / examples : shaking, upset tummy, dizziness, etc


🧠 Mental / examples : catastrophising, doom scenario ideation, disassociation, etc

Question 2 of 10

What is your FIRST, most typical base fear reaction 

Think about a time when you were really nervous for a presentation or before an important conversation with a loved one when you couldn’t predict the outcome.

We often have a couple reactions - but they all start with an initial reaction. 

What was your first reaction? (This is the sometimes uncomfortable / embarrassing way that we are naturally that sometimes we cover up with a secondary response). 

When you are in situations of stress or vulnerability, which reaction do you notice coming up the most for you? This is the FIRST reaction inside you - not how you’ve taught yourself to respond. 


🤺 Fight / Feeling agressive, hardened voice, battlestations, feeling protective


🪶 Flight / Wanting to run away, rushing / speaking really quickly, wanting to get out of a situation, wishing yourself away from the stressful context, etc


🦌 Freeze / Mental blocks, losing your place, not finding words (without other memory problems), body seizing up, forgetting to breathe, etc


🤡 Fawn / Agreeing with everyone, losing your interior conviction, worried about other people’s opinions (if they laugh / cough / etc), losing your interior pulse, trying to make sure everyone else is ok

Question 3 of 10

What is your SECONDARY most typical base fear reaction ?

When you are in situations of stress or vulnerability, which reaction do you notice coming up the most for you? 


This could be the same or different than you first response.


Often times it’s reinforced (parents, school, etc.) that the way we naturally react when we’re vulnerable is not ok. Our secondary response is our “mask” - or the response we’ve learned to cover up how we really react. 


Again, some people have a “mask” and some don’t. Both are fine. 


This is the SECOND reaction inside you - not how you’ve taught yourself to respond. If you feel like you respond the same way, please put the same response again. 

(Select all that apply)

🤺 Fight / Feeling agressive, hardened voice, battlestations, feeling protective


🪶 Flight / Wanting to run away, rushing / speaking really quickly, wanting to get out of a situation, wishing yourself away from the stressful context, etc


🦌 Freeze / Mental blocks, losing your place, not finding words (without other memory problems), body seizing up, forgetting to breathe, etc


🤡 Fawn / Agreeing with everyone, losing your interior conviction, worried about other people’s opinions (if they laugh / cough / etc), losing your interior pulse, trying to make sure everyone else is ok

Question 4 of 10

Does your immediate family naturally express Ask (Direct) Culture or Guess (Indirect) Culture?

 Ex. If you are traveling and need to get to the airport, how do you interact with your nuclear family?

Ask: directly asking for a ride to the airport. 

Guess: trying to get the other side to offer to take you to the airport (yeah, I have my flight, I’m not sure how I’m getting there yet… I don’t want to bother…)


🎯 Ask Culture / Directly asking for what you need and want


❓Guess Culture / Indirectly asking for what you need and want, creating a context for others to offer help instead of soliciting them directly

Question 5 of 10

What’s your Attachment Style? 

Ex. When you have an argument with someone you love and they are upset, how are you likely to respond?

This is the theory of how we relate to other people. Again, this is just INFORMATION, not judgement. Please answer honestly. You can learn more about Attachment Styles separately, it’s really helpful in relationships! Here’s an article that gives great examples Here’s another article and quiz with the people who wrote THE book


🥺 Anxious / Clingy, call/text a lot, want to make sure through contact & reassurance that everything’s ok, stalker-y


👻 Avoidant / Ghosting, giving space, disappearing, disengaging, stepping away


🌱 Secure / a balanced perspective that can be intimate and close without becoming overly worried, and you know how to be present for big feelings. If you choose this option, please also put weather (even in your secure response), you have more anxious or avoidant tendencies, and put that as well. Thank you!


😵‍💫 Disorganized (or Anxious-Avoidant) / You might feel confusion about relationships and also unable to express emotions or open up in a positive or healthy way, often develops from childhood misattunement.

Question 6 of 10

To what degree do you generally feel secure and safe in your life?


1 / Not safe - Toxic or abusive situation with my family / friends / management / colleagues / coworkers - always “watching my back” / Walking on eggshells


2 / Often unsure about my safety - not sure who I can trust, maybe some bad experiences


3 / Don’t feel unsafe, but don’t feel respected, many un-repaired upsetting moments


4 / Safe and integrated in my family & friend group, a feeling of job security, some moments of feeling respected, some occasional un-repaired upsets


5 / Very safe & respected, confidently secure in my family and friend group, job security, sometimes with upsets but always a way forward, my ideas are heard and often reasonably considered

Question 7 of 10

What is your age?


Under 18














75 and up 🚀

Question 8 of 10

What do you want to change, work on, or learn about yourself?

Question 9 of 10

Education Level (current or completed)


High School


Undergrad / Bachelor’s degree


Master’s degree


Phd or other terminal degree


No formal schooling

Question 10 of 10

Where do you live?








Australia / Oceania


North America


South America



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